Susan Marie Dopp - Resume, 2022


1987 M.F.A., Painting, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA

1984 B.F.A., Painting, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA

1972-5 Corcoran School of Art, Washington, DC


2007-8 Roswell Artist in Residence, Roswell, NM

2007 Pollack/Krasner Foundation Award

2005 Yaddo Fellowship, October

2004 Yaddo Fellowship, May - June

1993 Eureka Fellowship, Fleishhacker Foundation

1988 Society for the Encouragement of Contemporary Art Award, SFMOMA, CA

1988-9 Roswell Artist in Residence, Roswell, NM

1984 Robert Howe Fletcher Award, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA

Teaching Experience

2000 Oregon College of Arts & Crafts, Portland, OR

1998 California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland, CA

1996 California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland, CA

1993 Oregon School of Arts & Crafts, Portland, OR

1992 Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA

1989 Visiting Artist, Painting, Academy of Art, San Francisco, CA

1986 Painting Instructor, SFAI Extension Program, San Francisco, CA

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Roswell Museum of Art

2012 New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe, NM

2011 Isaac’s Gallery, Roswell, NM

2009 Isaac’s Gallery, Roswell, NM

2008 Roswell Museum and Art Center

2007 Hosfelt Gallery, SF, CA

2006 Hosfelt Gallery, NY, NY

2005 Todd Hosfelt Gallery, SF, CA

2003 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artists’ Gallery, SF, CA

1999 Susan Cummins Gallery, Mill Valley, CA

1998 Susan Cummins Gallery, Mill Valley, CA

1996 Susan Cummins Gallery, Mill Valley, CA

1995 Susan Cummins Gallery, Mill Valley, CA

1994 Gail Severn Gallery, Ketchum, ID

1993 Susan Cummins Gallery, Mill Valley CA

1993 Parker/Zanic Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

1991 Kay Kimpton Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1989 Ivory-Kimpton Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1989 Roswell Museum and Art Center, Roswell, NM

1988 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, SECA Art Award, San Francisco, CA

Selected Group Exhibitions

2011 Curator’s Ivitational, Isaac’s Gallery, Roswell

2010 Artists Residing in Roswell, Isaac’s Gallery

2007 “Beyond the Gift of Time,” Roswell Museum & Art Center

“Pattern vs. Decoration,” Hosfelt Gallery, SF, CA

2006 Triton Museum of Art, “Bay Area Abstraction: A Current View,” Santa Clara, CA

Preview, Hosfelt Gallery, NY

“Book,” Hosfelt Gallery, SF, CA

2005 Argazzi Art, Lakeville, CT

2004 University of New Mexico, Las Cruces, 30th Anniverary Exihibtion

2003 SFMOMA Artists’ Gallery, 25th Anniversary Exhibit, CA

“Unframed, First Look, Lehmann Maupin Gallery, NYC

“Lines Between Lines,” Galleria Posada, Sacramento, CA

2001 “Operating Systems,” Susan Cummins Gallery, Mill Valley, CA

“El Favor de Los Santos: Contemporary Devotion,” San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA

“Jewelry as an Object of Installation,” Susan Cummins Gallery, Mill Valley, CA

2000 “Piecing It Together: A Visual Journal,” Museum of Art & History , Santa Cruz, CA

1999 “Piecing It Together: A Visual Journal,” San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA

“By Design: Art & Wine – The Benziger Imagery Series,” Palo Alto Cultural Center, Palo Alto, CA

1998 20th Anniversary Exhibition, SFMOMA Artist’s Gallery, SF, CA

Friends of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California Palace of the Legion of Honor

1997 “The Eloquent Flower IV,” Gail Severn Gallery, Ketchum, ID

“Drawings: Realism to Abstract,” Triton Museum, Santa Clara, CA

1995 “Heroic Influences,” Susan Cummins Gallery, Mill Valley, CA

The Hotel Triton Art Fair, SF, CA - with Susan Cummins Gallery

1994 “The Gold Show,” Palo Alto Cultural Center, Palo Alto, CA

“Miniatures,” SFMOMA Artist’s Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1993 “Eureka Fellowship Exhibition,” San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA

“On a Small Scale,” Susan Cummins Gallery, Mill Valley, CA

1992 “Worship Through the Eyes of Many,” Rene Fotouhi Gallery, East Hampton, NY “Contemporary Uses of Wax & Encaustic,” Palo Alto Cultural Center, Palo Alto, CA

“Corollaries of Apprehension,” California College of Arts & Crafts, Oliver Center, Oakland, CA

1991 “The Figure Identified,” Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA

“In Thine Own Image,” San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA

“Frissen Facsaarva,” Budapest Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1990 Introductions, Parker/Zanic Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

“Women of the 90’s,” Renee Fotouhi Fine Art Ltd., New York, NY

1989 “The Home Show,” Falkirk Cultural Center, San Rafael, CA

1988 Curator’s Invitational, Berkeley Arts Center, Berkeley, CA

“The Precious Object,” Emmanuel Walter Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Two Person Show, Pence Gallery, Davis, CA


2012 Fifty Years of Bay Area Art, The SECA Awards, SFMOMA

2008 Ether, an essay, by Taney Roniger

2007 “The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program, An Anecdotal History,” Ann McGarrell

2006 “Beyond the Figure, A New Show at the Triton Museum Proves Enduring of the Abstract Urge,” by Michael S. Grant, November

“Book,” Art on Paper, Glen Helfand, March/April

2005 “Imagery, Art for Wine,” by Bob Nugent from the Wine Appreciation Guild

2004 “Our Book on Trane,” cover art for CD by Michael Harper and Paul Austerlitz

“The Future of Food”, a film by Deborah Garcia, July commission

1998 Artweek, "Fire", Excerpts from an interview with Terry Cohn, April

1997 La Questa Press, Cover Illustration,"The Wine of Astonishment" by Mary Overton

Benziger Winery, Imagery Series Commission, Glen Ellen, CA

1996 Artweek, "Figurative Painting," June

New American Paintings, Number VI, Winner's Works, Spring

1994 Idaho Mountain Express, "Exhibit Substantiates Art Category Collapse," Judith Miller, June

1993 Artweek, "Primarily Paint," Mary Hull Webster, March

Metro San Jose,"The Bay Area's Best," Mark Blumberg, October

San Jose Mercury News, "Outlaws at an Exhibition," Catharine Maclay, October

ZYZZYVA, Illustration, Fall

1992 Artweek, "Medium Messages," Casey Fitzsimmons, May

"Everything is Real, Except the Obvious," Cover, EM Press, Mill Valley, CA

Palo Alto Weekly, "Art By Fire," Diane Sussman, April

Peninsula Times Tribune, "Waxing Artistic," Jane Ayres, March

Tri-Valley Herald, "Encaustic Show Waxes Artistic," March

San Jose Mercury News, "Hot Wax," Dorothy Burkhart, March

1991 West County Times, Ginger Shotwell, Richmond, October

San Jose Mercury News, "Mirror, Mirror on the Canvas," Dorothy Burkhart, August

SF Magazine, " Visions of Folk Art Dance on Her Canvas, "Jerome Tarshis, May

1990 Visions Art Quarterly, “Showcase,” Jerome Tarshis, Winter

Cultural Concrete, "Post-Surrealism and the Man in Black, " Frank Andrick, Winter

1989 Art in America, "Susan Marie Dopp at SFMOMA," David Levi Strauss, June

1988 Artweek, "Symbols and Mysteries," Donna Brookman, September

SF Bay Guardian,"Dreamscapes,” Harry Roche, October

California Magazine, "The Best of California," Jerome Tarshis, September


Anderson Museum of Cont. Art, Roswell, NM

Polly Anderson, Cupertino, CA

Sally Anderson, Roswell, NM

George & Judy Argyros, Newport Beach, CA

Dr. Bader, Washington, DC

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bailey, Long Island, NY

Alan Balch, Davis, CA

Margie Barbour, Roswell, NM

Susan & Bill Beech, Tiburon, CA

Art Berliner, San Francisco, CA

Michael Bewley, San Jose, CA

Janet Bishop, San Francisco, CA

Janet Bowman, Corte Madera, CA

Catharine Brady, San Francisco, CA

Billy Bragman, San Francisco, CA

Dennis Calabi, Marin County, CA

Josie Callan, Tacoma, WA

Carol Christiensen, San Francisco, CA

Sharon & Craig Campbell, San Anselmo, CA

Ellie Clark, Sausalito, CA

Austin Conkey, San Francisco, CA

Jan & Ted Cooper, San Francisco, CA

Sybil & Merrill Conn, San Francisco, CA

Jennifer Cowan, Mill Valley, CA

Susan Cummins, Mill Valley,CA

Lisa Dahl, Sedona, AR

Annette & Roger Davis, Palo Alto, CA

Lisa Doron, San Francisco, CA

Alexandra Ellsworth, San Francisco, CA

Carla Emil, Mill Valley, CA

Paul & Emlen Ehrlich, San Francisco, CA

Lonnie Essex, Chicago, IL

Diane Feldman, Ketchum, ID

Lucy Feller, New York, NY

Paul & Randi Fisher, San Francisco, CA

John Flather, Palo Alto, CA

William Frizell, Piedmont, CA

Drew & Katie Gibson, Palo Alto, CA

Ray Graham, Albuquerque, NM

Kim Heirston, New York, NY

Geri Herbert, Ketchum, ID

Anthony & I’ lee Hooker, Mill Valley, CA

Robert & Candace Hoover, Alameda, CA

Jane Ivory, San Francisco, CA

George & Beverly James, Palo Alto, CA

Tom Jennings, Roswell, NM

Dahlia Judovitz, Atlanta, GA

Wynn Kapit, Santa Barbara, CA

Natasha Kimmell, San Francisco, CA

Kay Kimpton, San Francisco, CA

Jerry & Deborah Garcia, Mill Valley, CA

Janet Kranzberg, Berkeley, CA

Vance Lancaster, St. Joseph, MI

Michael Lemont, San Francisco, CA

Jonas Livingston, Los Angles, CA

Dr. David Lyman, Albany, CA

Donald & Elaine Magnin, San Francisco, CA

Tom Marble, Los Angeles, CA

Alexandra Marshall, Ketchum, ID

David & Kathy Martin, San Francisco, CA

John & Sally Mclnerny, San Francisco, CA

Ann Marie & Averill Mix, Los Gatos, CA

Gaylord Neely, Washington, DC

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM

Ted Odza, Inverness, CA

Marian Parmenter, Mill Valley, CA

Cindy Pawlcyn, St. Helena, CA

Edmund Payne, Mill Valley, CA

Fred & Lois Pavlov, San Francisco, CA

Carolyn & Jose Quant, Anaheim, CA

Brinky Randall, Roswell, NM

Ian Reeves, San Francisco, CA

Judd Reis, New York, NY

Diana Rogers, Berkeley, CA

Roswell Museum & Art Center, NM

Rose Roven, Tiburon, CA

San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA

George Sarlo, San Francisco, CA

Carolyn Schlicher, Roswell, NM

Frances Scher, NJ

Gail Severn, Ketchum, ID

Linda Shostak, Sausalito, CA

David & Mara Squar, Ventura, CA

Glen & Juanita Stiff, Roswell, NM

Cissy Swig, San Francisco, CA

Gary & Christina Tan, San Francisco, CA

Phylis Taplitz, Kentfield, CA

John Taylor, San Francisco, CA

Spaulding Taylor, San Francisco, CA

Godfrey & Mary Lisa Tencer, Mill Valley, CA

Mary Thatcher, San Francisco, CA

Paul Tuttle, Mill Valley, CA

Howard Tullman, Chicago, IL

Thurston Twig-Smith, San Francisco, CA

Peter Weis, Ross, CA

Jonathan & Geraldine Whitman, S.F., CA

Robin & Marsha Williams, San Francisco, CA

Bonnie Wudtke, Sausalito, CA